Apart from offering a consultation to businesses looking to implement a RPA programme and the viability of doing so as well as being approved by DJI to undertake enterprise maintenance on some drones, CCADS can repair most make of drones that may have erhh arhh suffered a minor set-back in their flying ambition. Don’t worry, as long as you were not flying where your not meant to be and no one or no property was injured/damaged then not all is lost. We can repair most makes and models of recreational drones, no problems and if you are a little unsure or need a few pointers, we offer a free complimentary lesson with each repair covering situational awareness, knowing where you can fly and we will show you a couple of manoeuvre and orientation tricks that you can practice to prevent any future mishaps. You will receive your drone back as good as new. All you have to do is fill out the form below.
Be sure to complete all details requested. Once you receive an email confirmation, go ahead and remove any SD cards from the drone and any extra batteries or spare props. Be sure to keep at least one battery (charged to a min 50%) one set of undamaged props and of course the remote controller with the drone when dropping it off to us (You may also wish to post you drone to us, please contact us directly to organise this as the battery must travel in a safe manner by road transport only!).
We will assess your drone within 48hrs, the cost to do this is $40.00 If your drone is repairable, we then offer you a quote to repair it to a new drone standard. You may choose to proceed or youmay choose to take your drone. If you do wish to proceed with the repair, the $40 assessment fee will be deducted from the price to repair.
Repairs normally take around two week but if we are required to wait for parts to arrive, it may extend up to 3.5weeks, but we will be sure to keep you up to date. Once your drone is repaired, it is recalibrated (both camera and controller) as well as the latest firmware will be flashed on to the flight controller and finally the drone is hover tested with all axis of movement tested. Your drone will look and feel brand new.