Exclusive and limited to selected agencies across the Coffs Coast, provided by Coffs Coast Aerial Drone Services
We provide absolute transparency, thats why we have made our fine print not so fine.
The catch is…. There is no catch, we are providing this free service to elevate our presence as a new commercial business and what better way of getting our name out there then letting our service and product do the talking. Coffs Coast Aerial Drone Services (CCADS) does reserve the right to decline a booking request if we are already confirmed with another booking, if the requested booking address is within a “no fly zone”, if the booking address is outside a 15km radius of Coffs Harbour or inclement weather is imminent preventing the task. The only other key point to keep in mind is that this promotion does not include complete editing, which will be welcomed by some as some agents prefer different editing styles.
As part of our promotion we will provide the following.
To make a free booking, simply provide the details in the form above, we will contact you to confirm.
All imagery will be provided by our Client Cloud Link (CLC) which can be securely accessed from any web browser
We are happy to work in with you with time critical schedules
Imagery provided will be a minimal 4k resolution up to 6k dependant on the category of airspace at the location. (within 3.5nm of airport prevents us from deploying 6k drone if tower is active)
Complete processing, editing and colour grading is available but will incur a service charge. We will for this promotion provide all raw unedited imagery for you to edit to your own style required.
We will have your dataset ready to be downloaded from our CLC the same day.
We can turn your imagery dataset around for cloud delivery on the same day as the shoot, no waiting for photography. Are you using aerial photography for your sales? According to research conducted by MLS statistics, homes listed with aerial images sold 68% faster than homes that used standard images alone.